Our Core Values
People – First and Always
We prioritize principles which elevate those around us: respect, selflessness, kindness and humility. We seek to understand fully before being understood, recognizing that our work is just one small piece of the fabric of our team members and customers.
Honesty & Integrity
Honesty & govern every decision we make. Our team is committed to earning trust from colleagues, customers, and partners through ethical actions
Contagious Creativity
Our only agenda is to solve our customers’ greatest challenges. Whether that means getting “outside the box” to examine new possibilities, or figuring out how to use that box in a new way, our transformative creativity generates solutions and inspires our customers to think differently about addressing challenges.
Always Be Learning
Learning about who we are, learning about the world and people around us, and never forgetting where we’ve been. Aperture is committed to a growth mindset and excellence in all we do.
Embrace Change
Change is often painful – but it is necessary. Our teams of hand-picked change agents are committed to creating a better future by helping you organize the activities and navigate the challenges of improving your organization.
Citizen Mindset
We all play a critical role in making the world a better place, so whether designing an executive dashboard or creating a new case call center procedure, we identify with the stakeholders and adopt a “we-not-me” mindset to achieve the best results for everyone.